It's been maybe two years since my last migraine (and speaking of religion, that's oddly Catholic-sounding, that). I hate them. At one point a few years ago I went through a week of consecutive headaches far worse than what I'm now experiencing, resorting to vasoconstrictors - the name always reminds me of velociraptors - which clamp down so hard on your circulatory system that heart attacks are included in the possible side effects. Medicinally-used (if not technically prescribed) marijuana seems a preferable resort, but if the migraine comes in the workplace, that's a little inconvenient, given our backwards and uncivilized drug laws, which make it inopportune even to mention if I have resorted to this particular treatment (ever, let alone tonight). By contrast, general painkillers and Advil and such don't seem to do much, but God knows I try them - the pain can get intense and you'll throw pretty much anything at it while you're able to. Alas, a scan of my medicine cabinet proves a complete absence of codeine - I must have brought it all to my parents' when my father was experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort, shortly before his death (ten months ago, now... it seems far more recent). Note to self: bring your codeine back! I pop an Advil, but it's a token gesture. I don't even have any velociraptors around...
A strange last resort, given my depleted weapons kit: coffee - caffeine can interact with migraines in unusual ways, though I know from past phases of relatively intense coffee addiction (when I was drinking eight or nine cups a day) that its absence can also trigger migraines (I would wake up at night, just like now, with a killer headache, and have to throw a coffee at it to make it go away; I don't THINK that's what's going on now, since my caffeine use has been fairly mild lately, but fuckit: I brew coffee anyhow). And just so I don't get nauseated from drinking just coffee on an empty stomach, I whip up a quick burger to have with it, which I devour with two cups of the elixir. And now, at 4:30 AM, 45 minutes in, there's a feeling that maybe this is dissipating - there's a slight sweaty coolness on my forehead that makes me think that, perhaps simply because its run its course, the headache is dissipating. (I realize it's kind of a weird choice to blog my way through it, given the brightness of my computer monitor, but I wanted to distract myself and wax dramatic about my experience as a way of making it pass more quickly).
Guhhh. And tomorrow is the "climax" of the session, with student evaluations to do and all sorts of marking that I simply must finish. Fuckit: caffeinated or no, right now, I'm going back to bed!
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