The German film Transfer, meanwhile, would have made an excellent 1970's hard SF novel; it's idea-rich, provocative, and has a highly intellectually stimulating premise: via a new medical procedure, a wealthy white couple are given the opportunity to "transfer" their personalities into the young bodies of two Africans, who have sold themselves into service to help their impoverished families back home. The Africans get to inhabit themselves for four hours a day, while their new owners are sleeping; they have their own feelings about what they're experiencing. The guide gives an excellent description of the film, though really, if you're intrigued, I recommend just seeing it; it's not an overwhelmingly exciting experience - I won't be buying the DVD - but I was most entertained by it, am glad I went.
Amusingly, I got my theatres crossed for the screening and was sitting in the wrong auditorium, wondering why Transfer seemed to have attracted a very large lesbian crowd (there were doubtlessly several gay men in the audience, too, but the lesbians were more noticeable). Then the MC welcomed us to the screening of Stonewall Uprising and I quickly checked my ticket stub... Oops! Speaking of gay fare at the VIFF, tho', the current Xtra West has my L.A. Zombie/ Bruce LaBruce interview. More of that here presently...
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