Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Martin Howse in Vancouver

There is more stuff than I can handle coming down the chute, but read here for a feature about Martin Howse -- a very interesting avant-gardist performing a Vancouver New Music event this Saturday (their page on him here, tickets here; it's called Parallel 07). He's in town doing workshops starting tomorrow (think the registration is closed) as part of the buildup to the event -- friends of mine are participating. Some of the areas of interest that may be explored by Howse and workshop participants include (quoting): 

the technological encoding of human speech (compression, glitches, artificial synthesis).

physical transformations of concrete physical models of speech-producing apparatus

physical transformations of algorithmic and electrical models of vocalisations

transformations of movements of air, light, crystal and particles under vocalising breath and utterances

changes of state (steam, freezing, condensings) provoked by energetic processes within and outside these apparatus

“throats” moulded in earth or clay and washed down, eroded, or crystallised, placed in a stream

If I had the wherewithal I'd have asked one of those friends to write about it -- it's outside my wheelhouse, these days, but anytime I've heard Howse's work described, it's very compelling (no idea what it sounds like, though!). Just going to go to the performance on Saturday! PWYC sliding scale...

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