Saturday, February 22, 2025

SLIP~ons, Boss Martians, and Dead Bars: Live at LanaLou's

Last night at LanaLou's, in between hellos to James Farwell, Larry Lechner, and a few other people -- Philly Roach knows I love him so we just passed at the bar without the NEED for a hello -- I talked briefly with Brock Pytel of the SLIP~ons about the "new" Doughboys 7" -- a 1987 demo that he's on -- and with John Maiello, the singer for Dead Bars, about my favourite song of theirs, "Earplug Girl." If you come back to read this piece in a couple of days, I might have had time to transcribe those interviews (more to come!). 

Meantime, for those who missed the show, however, here are some photos and four links: "Nerve Damage" and "Mosquito" by the SLIP~ons, the second to fourth songs from Dead Bars in one clip, and two songs by Boss Martians

Great night -- I'm not a surf guy but the Boss Martians had great guitar tone and did a killer "Stepping Stone;" I was surprised how much Dead Bars romantic/ positive/ joyful pop side comes to the fore when they play live -- they're clearly a bunch of romantics. Good bands both, but -- sorry, youse two -- the SLIP~ons were the best! All photos by me. 

Wayne McCarthy, to the right, tipped me to the gig (and worked merch). Thanks, man!

Above: The SLIP~ons. Somehow, last night, my best photos were also my worst!

Above: The Boss Martians

Dead Bars

NOTE FOR "ALL" FANS, by which I mean fans of the band All, the descendants of the Descendents: Chad Price will be coming to town soon with the Chad Price Peace Coalition and doing a gig that involves the SLIP~ons and some other cool people, which, y'know, maybe I'm not supposed to talk about yet, but... sorry, Brock, I've leaked it! More to come on that, too (but it will be a separate post).  

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