Wednesday, October 25, 2023

John Otway gig: swap Murray Acton for Stephen Hamm! (Murray can't make it!)

More to come, but let's start here: Murray Acton cannot be at the Lanalou's gig November 4th. opening for British cult legend John Otway. Murray was definitely keen. He had been watching Otway videos (maybe even the movie about him; possibly this clip from Urgh! A Music War, maybe his big 1977 UK hit, and who knows what all else). He wrote, in one email to me, "I've been checking out this John Otway character. Holy shit. He is quite something. He is quite the performer and seems to play to some packed houses in the UK. It's an honour to play with someone of this calibre. He's funny as hell too, I'm going to have to bring some big league humour to this one."

I was really excited, too. Besides Murray, I'd be seeing the Minimalist Jug Band (also an Otway enthusiast, as discussed here) and getting my second ever chance to see Otway (who played a crazy, brief show in North Vancouver last year). And I have become quite a fan of Murray's. I've heard some of his new solo stuff - the Hearts of Stone, I believe, is the name of the project -- and it's quite dark, quite potent, quite raw. But there was -- we knew -- exactly one thing that would stop Murray from performing: having surgery booked, related to his tango earlier this year with cancer. 

Surgery has been booked! So Murray is off the bill - he is going to be recuperating from having his guts messed with (which we hope will all be done in time for the mid-November Dayglos tour; there is an Edmonton date November 25th, not sure what-all else but you can figure it out). 

In place of Murray, Stephen Hamm Theremin Man will be performing. I caught him at LanaLou's a couple years ago, and it was definitely a memorable show! 

And John Otway plays (and is packing) a Theremin, too! (But also a weird-ass ambidextrous guitar of his own design; more on that later). This could get very interesting! 

The times listed on some online spots are incorrect, by the way. Show will start closer to 9. Watch this space for more! Wish Murray an easy time! And buy your tickets here!

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