Sunday, October 29, 2023

Halloween at LanaLou's: The Mants, Sugarwash, Rocket #9, plus a Nov. 10th gig tip

I went to LanaLou's last night to put up a couple of John Otway posters and to check out Ed Hurrell's other other band (MeBats/ Stab'em, the Lulu's, Rocket #9: what am I missing, Ed?). And of course, I wanted to see the Mants. I had sent the Mants some questions, because I can talk ant-themed horror movies any day, but they didn't have time to get to them; between their busy lives and mine, it was not to happen. Seriously, Mants, I will do something the NEXT time you play Vancouver! 

I liked the Mants, and shot video of their first two songs, but I also was glad to say hi to Ed Hurrell again. I like Ed! I am glad that the Lulu's are going to play again (with MeBats and Crummy) on November 10th (at the Princeton). I saw the LuLus once with Tony Lee on drums; their actual drummer was ill that night, but apparently is back in the saddle and bringing a real Moe Tucker vibe to the band, Ed says, by which I don't think he means she's going to post cranky "Republican nutbar" stuff on social media (I tried following Moe Tucker on Facebook for awhile during COVID. I love Moe, but that's some crazy shit she was posting. You can sorta see the germ of it in some of her later solo stuff. That is still a great goddamn album, tho', as is Life in Exile After Abdication). 

But I digress. Rocket #9 (I wonder if people read that as "Rocket Hashtag Nine" now?), who bill themselves as "minimalist garage rock," are a fair bit less primitive than I expected -- they were actually pretty musically satisfying, in a straight-up rock kinda way, as Adam (my gig buddy, seen on the left margin below) observed. I enjoyed Ed's basslines, but it turns out that the guitars are the real draw for this band. I shot some vid there too. Matching NASA outfits; fun! 

Of course, it didn't hurt the night that Lana's was full of people in costumes, including the members of Sugarwash, an Edmonton-I-think trio who played snotty punky rock with a grungy riot grrrl vibe. I am not feeling very grungy these days, truth be known, and I kinda feel weirdly Daddish when watching punks in their 20s, now (since I'm 55: "aww, look at the kids havin' fun"), but Sugarwash had great stage presence, fun costumes, and they were funny and rude as hell. At one point, joking about their name, they riffed on actually not being washed, unless golden showers counted, or something along those lines. The drummer seemed the rudest and crudest of them, so of course was my favourite member (she should be aware, tho', that any reference the concept of Daddy Issues will just make everyone think of Betty Bathory's band, who also played last night, which is presumably why LanaLou's wasn't so full!). 

Sugarwash also put a post on Facebook that was kinda fun, riffing on their costumes: 

Shot some vid there, too. I have no great insights into the music that was played, but LanaLou's has a fun community vibe and I enjoy everything I go to there. They kinda need a dessert menu and I was sad to discover they were out of Guinness, because I just really did not feel like de-alcoholized Beck's (which is what I ended up with). Might I suggest Phillips Iota? The Rickshaw is stocking it. The Princeton is stocking it. It kicks Beck's ass. 

The poutine was damn good, though, as always! 

Oh, I also quite enjoyed opener MaNic's quickly-strummed cover of "Hurt" and his other songs that touched on addiction and such, but I haven't much to say and I didn't get a good photo. As for the audience, it was fun to see Cam of the Imperial and the Bad Beats and Adam Payne (who is in Bishop's Green) out for the night. Didn't get a photo there, either. But here's Ed!

And here's Ed's next big gig! (Hey, Ed -- in terms of covering somewhat later Lou, I think the Lulu's would knock this one out of the park, no? Or what about "Warrior King" or, HELL yes, "Hooky Wooky?" Man, that would make me happy. It's even more fun when you realize that the girl he's singing to is Laurie Anderson.)

Anyhoo, see some of you at LanaLou's next Saturday, I hope, for the John Otway event. I see that tickets for that are listed as "going fast." Act now or miss out! (I AM on the list for that, right?).  


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