Friday, July 22, 2022

Tunnel Canary flies again!

So if you have an interest in aggressively avant-garde music... if you like music to induce hallucination, to affect your perceptions, to provoke you to find a new way to listen to the world...if you've listened to Metal Machine Music more than once this year, or if you just want a taste of a very unusual slice of Vancouver musical culture, the band that used to send punks scurrying into the parking lot for a smoke break, the only band I'm aware of to lay claim to the descriptor of "Spiritual Noise music," Tunnel Canary will be performing this Saturday, with Nathan Holiday, the leader, reuniting with original vocalist Ebra Ziron and original bassist Dave Sheftel, but also joining forces with Joshua "Magneticring" Stevenson on electronics...  

 I think Nathan and I covered most of the basics of the band's early history in our big Bixobal interview, which later ended up in slightly altered form on the Big Takeover website.  I will not be able to be at the gig, since I'll be out in Surrey, seeing Eugene Chadbourne at Central City; I'm helping out with Eugene's visit and feel like I should be on hand, and I only get to see Eugene once every few years (a bad excuse, since I've only ever seen Tunnel Canary once). If you'd like to do some homework before the show, if you haven't seen it, the band was the subject, awhile ago, of a 40-minute documentary, going back to the mid-1970's and Nathan's time in art school. The Facebook event page is here... this may be the only chance you'll get to see the band in action, since they play very infrequently... don't waste it (unless, like, you're coming to Eugene Chadbourne. 

Hell, if he wasn't already playing that night, I'd bring him to see Tunnel Canary! 

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