Friday, July 22, 2022

The Cult of Chadula presents: DAWN OF THE CHAD, as postered around town by, uh, me

As I sit here, questioning my strange devotion to the music of Eugene Chadbourne, playing at LanaLou's tonight, Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" booms from a car stereo below my window. It is surely a sign...

Without being asked, I spent about fifty bucks on gig posters to put up around town. Finding no one to join me, I did it on my own. My wife is surely hoping Doc Chad doesn't tour here again soon, though she is being a very good sport here thus far 

Dr. Chad has some weird fuckin' fans, I bet. I mean... whose minds run like this? (That's Eugene in Vancouver, shot by Clay of Eargoggles... before the Cobalt Mach 1 closed down. He was kind of acknowledging the Sahota situation at the time with this song - "I hate the man who owns this building."

I mean, it wasn't that big a deal, my one-man advertising campaign - I got to see some of these 70's films, got a nice tan, got some exercise. I can understand that were I a musician, doing it for every gig every month would get tired very fast, but it still had novelty value to me - what a ridiculous, but enjoyable thing to do! 

And it was all in part to give Erika some time to work on a project, get some me time. Being around me all the time is not always something she craves, especially when I am in a Eugene Chadbourne frame of mind... It is possible that the circumstances were weird enough that I'm not sure they didn't distract her from her purpose. 

She may have felt like I was leaving her for Eugene or something. 

But, like, there's stuff I wanna DO out there! I gotta carpe the motherfucking diem here, right? We are mortal! We are mortal! And I just know that I am gonna have way more fun at this gig tonight if people actually come to it. Pat's Pub it was like Me, Nick, Ed, and maybe ten other people. 

Its been a fun few day's project, and while it would have been cheaper if I stayed home and watched movies here, it would have been far less fun. 

Y'all should see what'll happen if Peter Stampfel tours this way, but I hold it unlikely that he will. 

Dawn of the Chad posters designed by Allan MacInnis, produced, facilitated, and otherwise cut-to-size by Erika Lax. White collage art poster by ARGH!! I hope I don't get in trouble for any of this, whatta I know about postering...?


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