Wednesday, August 05, 2020

New news for old punks: of David Lester and Joe Keithley

People might be interested that there is a short documentary about David Lester's work as a graphic novelist on the CBC website. David's best known as the guitarist for Mecca Normal, but I interviewed him about his 2011 graphic novel The Listener, which I found enjoyable and interesting. Anarchist perspectives on history don't come naturally to me, and I found it quite provocative - certainly the smartest graphic novel I've read. I've been kind of tempted to check out Lester's other work - on Emma Goldman, or the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. Haven't yet, though.

Also, Joe Keithley has a new, "positive and responsible" anthem, "You Won't Stand Alone," about fighting racism, recorded with the Mayor of Burnaby, Mike Hurley, on bass. Mayor Hurley is the first person I've ever voted for to have played with a punk, I think (tho' I did once see Jack Layton and Joe on the same stage at an Iraq war protest. Noam Chomsky was there, too! Neither of them picked up an instrument, however).

Joe writes that "Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley and I have teamed up to record a song about standing up to racial intolerance and promoting diversity, it's called 'You Won't Stand Alone.' Burnaby is one of Canada's most diverse communities and the Mayor and I believe that is a great strength. It's time that we as Canadians stand up to racism anywhere, anytime, any place."

I am glad I voted for these two, and it's cool to see Joe sort of transitioning into this kind of Pete Seeger sincerity (and mixing it up with his political career - that's pretty awesome). 

I mean, to be totally honest, DOA-wise, I kinda prefer "Let's Fuck" - it's funnier! But Joe prolly wouldn't appreciate my sayin' so. 

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