Sunday, August 09, 2020

More news: Neon Waste reissues Siggy Magic

For some dumb reason or other, I have never watched Commercials for Free, at least not completely. Not sure why - saving something for a rainy day, maybe. It's an indy film shot in Vancouver in 1978, included on the deluxe version of the Bloodied But Unbowed set, and featuring footage of the Subhumans, so it's daft of me, or perverse, or perhaps deeply negligent to have missed it. The single of the same name, used on the soundtrack, by Siggy Magic & the Hey-Hoe band, is one of those crazy-expensive local rarities which, unlike, say, the Rude Norton 7", the No Exit album, and the Subhumans' own "Death to the Sickoids" 7", I have never even seen a copy of, let alone owned; this website lists it at $750 (and has some related downloads, which I assume I harm no one by pointing out, since anyone aware of this single is surely also aware it can be found on the internet somewhere; it is apparently also ripped here). Discogs says only 200 copies were made of the original. Not sure how many more Josh will be making but, anyhow, it's coming out again! Or is out already. Can you still buy it? I dunno.

By the way, I got a Chain Whip feature in the current issue of Germany's Ox Fanzine, who usually only want bands that they've heard about, but they liked the band's lean-mean hardcore enough that they said yes. So: cool! 

Generally I am enjoying being off the movies-and-music hamsterwheel for awhile, but, whatever, bands I like have things happening. The Judys have a new album out, too. I don't really know Dennis but I used to feel guilty about never doing anything about him. Maybe I will. But not right now.

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