Saturday, October 03, 2015

VIFF 2015: Patricia Rozema's Into the Forest

So for a guy who isn't blogging about VIFF, I'm doing a fair bit, but there's some exciting films out there. Tonight it's Patricia Rozema's Into the Forest, screening as a BC Spotlight Awards Gala at the Centre for Performing Arts (it also plays again October 8th). It's received some mixed reviews, but I was interested in Rozema near the start of her career, even had a poster for I've Heard the Mermaids Singing on my wall for awhile (!), though I confess to not having seen any of her films for a long time. I'm excited about this one: it's not a horror film per se, but I've always been partial to apocalypse survival films of any stripe, and this is a female-centred one, which should be very interesting (with Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood, as well as a supporting role from Callum Keith Rennie, who is always enjoyable). I'll put my thoughts up afterwards, but I'm excited to see this...

...then I'll be racing to catch Titus Andronicus and Spider Bags at the Biltmore...

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