Saturday, October 03, 2015

VIFF 2015: Green Room is great!

Holy hell, Green Room is a must-see.

The film is full of tension and intelligence - beautifully observed at all levels, very controlled and believable. Terrific performances, including Macon Blair of Saulnier's previous films Blue Ruin and Murder Party. I don't know if neo-Nazis are film buffs in general but I bet, bad guy or no, even they would be able to enjoy Patrick Stewart in this. The violence, when it comes, is surprisingly gory and uncomfortable - pit bull attack, anyone? - and the message is provocative, because it manages to not let punk off the hook for the violence that goes along with it, while apparently truly knowing its stuff about punk, maybe even liking it. It's essential viewing. It screens one more time...  It sold out last night at the Rio so I'd act soon if you're interested (though Curtis tells me it's been picked up and will get onto more screens come winter). Interview with the director here for more...

Note: someone should upload Curious George's song "Pit Bull Attack" onto Youtube. It's not there! I woulda linked it if I could - really fun Vancouver punk song.


  1. Hi, I uploaded that Curious George song you mentioned to Youtube. Hope it helps!

  2. Oops, forgot the link:

  3. i THINK NOT SO GREAT. try TORTURE PORN! And lots of swearing!!

  4. Thanks for uploading the Curious George, Gardubenty Swoze - a great song; love the line about "the Province tab" especially. And David, you will now be "the other David," for the purposes of this blog (since the first David has gotta be David M.)


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