Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Well, that's it...

No more No Fun compact disc box sets! Meanwhile, I'm sorting out my belongings: what's going into storage, what's coming with me to my girl's, what's going to the thrift store... Moving week is here. Still a couple items I'm not sure what I'm going to do with, exactly, but...

By the by, that's a bamboo plant there... I think that's going to end up at Mom's. I bought it for her in the Eagle Ridge hospital gift shop after she had her stroke in the summer of 2009. She was doing rehab there - speech therapy, physical therapy. It was about a foot tall. I left it by her bedside and explained that it needed to be kept pretty wet, but she didn't remember and the next time I checked it, it was bone dry and dying. So I resuscitated it and have taken care of it since. It's about six feet tall now, and my girlfriend doesn't really want it in her apartment. I think it's going to go live at Mom's again, very soon...

Anyhow, that's probably my final selfie in the Maple Ridge apartment. I'll be cleaning and sorting for a couple days yet but I don't imagine I will feel the need to document the experience beyond this...

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