Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Bernard Shakey Film Retrospective: Neil Young on screen at the Cinematheque

Oh, I do hope I get to see some of the Neil Young retrospective at the Cinematheque, opening this weekend. Adrian Mack has written a fine overview. I think maybe Human Highway - which I've never seen - and Muddy Track (which I think almost no one has seen!) might be the must-do double bill... and my girl has never seen Dead Man (screening on an imported 35mm print!). Again, some fine programming this summer at the Cinematheque. Just noticed for us Nick Ray fans that on August 24th there's a double bill of In a Lonely Place and Johnny Guitar, too... Both fine films, but very different!

1 comment:

  1. Saw Johnny Guitar the other day and enjoyed it a lot. But Joan Crawford was scary!


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