Wednesday, April 16, 2014

News flash: David M. is NOT playing the Prophouse on 4/20

I had a very strange phone chat with David M. today, and all I can say with certainty is that there is NOT a gig at the Prophouse this Sunday. I thought there would be. I may have said there was, somewhere on this blog. But there will not be. I was apparently mistaken about this.

He will apparently be doing something else - something performance-oriented or at least publicly visible - to mark the whole Jesus/ Easter thing (by the by, 4/20 was also Hitler's birthday, or so I learned today from Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors). But he didn't really want to say what; or where; or for whom; or how I might direct people to this event, or find my way there. And though he did say the time, since I cannot otherwise give details, I figure I should leave that out, too. All I can say for sure is that it won't be at the Prophouse (or any other known venue), and I will not be there.

Chances are, neither will you.

Unless, of course, you are David M.


  1. Now that was well worth doing.

  2. I am pleased to hear it!

  3. Erika wants to know why you didn't wait til 4:20pm. As if I would know!


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