Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy Record Store Day, Vancouver! And other things I won't be doing.

I will not be at Record Store Day this weekend. There's really only one serious temptation anyhow - the album with the Pogues being fronted by Joe Strummer. Might try to get someone to put that aside for me but as usual I'm happy not to be tempted...

I won't be at The Fly this weekend either. A new 35 mm print of perhaps Cronenberg's most accessible film and one of the top grossing Canadian movies ever, and IT'S ONLY PLAYING FOR TWO NIGHTS...? Arrrgh! That I would be at, but other plans make it impossible. Nuts!

However, there is now a good chance I will be at David M.'s 4/20 "joint" Jesus/ Marijuana celebration at the Prophouse Cafe. Although he appears to have disappeared from Facebook again, so I'm not sure what's going on with that show... is it going on as planned? Let's hope! There's also the Oliver Hockenhull panel discussion on psychedelics that night, more on which later... we'll have to see what happens.

Right now I'm very sleepy... I think I will let that decide my course of action...

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