Friday, March 21, 2014

Richard Duguay and Ron Reyes at the WISE tonight!

Fans of Personality Crisis, Richard Duguay, Black Flag, Piggy, Ron Reyes, and so forth will want to take note that tonight, former Black Flag vocalist Ron Reyes will join former Personality Crisis guitarist Richard Duguay and his band the Hellhounds for a short set at the climax of Duguay’s March 21st WISE Hall gig. I did a short Straight interview with Reyes that will appear online later today; meantime, Susanne Tabata interviewed him at some length here. He explained to me that he and Duguay are calling their closing set of PC covers "Borderline Personality Disorder" and added via email that it has been a "real gas" performing with Duguay and Jon Card, who are "like heroes" to him (he caught Personality Crisis on more than one occasion back at the Smilin' Buddha, the lucky guy).

Meantime, the Strugglers - featuring members of the former Little Guitar Army, including vocalist Bert Man, below - have been added to the bill... should be a pretty cool show!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the piece WILL pop up online later today... a minor glitch!


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