Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nose-feratu vs. Stan Rogers: rate my facial hair

So my girl was being poked by my somewhat bristly moustache whenever we kissed. Our habit of referring to the odd stray nose-hairs that stick from my nostrils as "fangs" - which she's kind of horrified and fascinated to see me yank out, and which she herself braved to remove with a sharp tug or two the other week - had led to jokes about my moustache and nose-fangs as being "Nose-feratu." So I offered to do a Stan Rogers for her - a great Canadian folk musician who sported the beard-with-no-moustache look (for all I know, it was because his girl didn't want to have HER lip abraded, either).
After some trepidation, she decided that maybe the look might work for me, and I went into her bathroom, grabbed a disposable razor out of "my" cup by the sink, and a dab of her (intense, effective) leg shaving cream. Here we get a before:

And an after, taken the next day, shirt still wet from the shave:
What do you think? Does the Stan Rogers look suit me? So far neither my Mom nor the bookstore guy I sell books to noticed the change (though I pointed it out to Mom). Maybe if I sing y'all a few bars of "The Mary Ellen Carter?"


  1. Niall MacGinnis, "Night Of The Demon".

  2. It may be your expression and the tilt of your head in the second photo, but you look younger.

  3. Stan Rogers is not amused.


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