Saturday, January 25, 2014

Toby Jones Cinema Salon!

The heck? For the February 4th Cinema Salon, none other than Toby Jones is presenting The Last Detail, a minor 1970's Jack Nicholson classic (and probably Randy Quaid's finest moment). Jones is one of the most interesting actors out there, though being who I am, I am fondest, of all his roles, of his perfect turn as Ollie Weeks in Frank Darabont's The Mist. It's one of those supporting roles that seems tailor made from the writing for the actor's talents, like Michael Moriarty as John Converse in film adaptations of Dog Soldiers (AKA Who'll Stop the Rain). Alas, I watched The Last Detail only a month ago, so I don't know that I need to see it again. It's certainly a movie worth seeing! (But unlike The Mist, it's a movie you can only see once every couple of years).

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