Monday, January 27, 2014

Maybe I do have dental problems after all...

Fun times! Today I went back to the dentist. TMJ doesn't explain the stabbing pain in one of my heavily-filled rear molars when I chew, especially if there's something hot or cold that it gets exposed to. Referred pain is one thing - something has obviously been referred somewhere, because half my face has been sore for over two weeks, including teeth, lower left jaw, hinge, and ear - but my jaw actually feels fine this morning. It's my rear teeth that are throbbing, and they throb worse when I chew something solid or take in something cold (especially ice cream). I'm told root canals start around $1400, and then the crown is more than that. The other option is just to get the tooth removed, but I'm already missing one rear molar back there, and the problem is the second one from the back, so I'll have a "rear jaw snaggletooth effect." Arrgh.

Anyhow, I can't chew. I'm having bullion and water for breakfast. I've been popping naproxen - in the non-prescription form of Alleve - so frequently that my stomach is really starting to feel it. This has not been my best month...

1 comment:

  1. Be careful taking naproxen. It can cause ulcers and liver damage.


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