Tuesday, December 20, 2011

La La La Human Steps returns to Vancouver

The first time I ever saw Montreal dance troupe La La La Human Steps was on cable-access punk video program Soundproof, when, in the mid-1980's, they played excerpts from their performance Human Sex, all of which is now seeable on Youtube. It was a memorable experience - there was a powerful, passionate, even angry physicality to the dancers' performances and they communicated with each other onstage in ways I hadn't realized were possible in dance; it was impressive enough that, as little interest as I normally have in the form, I went to see their Vancouver staging of Amelia a few years ago, and was glad I did. While it wasn't as RAW as what you see in the Human Sex clip - not much is! - it was still a powerful, provocative, and moving experience.

Funny: I still am not sure of the gender of the amazing blonde dancer showcased in Human Sex; I remember arguing about it with a big haired Goth female friend at the time, who was sure he was a femme male; I was sure she was a masculine female. I still don't know. S/he's hot as hell, regardless. La La La Human Steps returns to Vancouver in late January for a program of new works.

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