Sunday, September 04, 2011

RIP Alienated in Vancouver

Okay, that's it. I've had enough of bein' Mr. Alienated, and am feeling less interested in covering the music scene in Vancouver (unless I'm bein' paid to do so!).

I can still see myself wanting to write about FILM in Vancouver, mind you - and so am starting another blog:

There's nothing on it yet, but look in as the VIFF gets a bit closer. This year might be a bit challenging for me, since I'm also returning to school, but... we'll see how things go.

Thanks to those of you who commented on my posts here, or read them (my "I Hate Downtown" rant is still the most popular, since Google turns it up as the #1 place to visit if you search for "I Hate Vancouver," which apparently many people do. I don't even hate Vancouver, but there it is. An old post on - I think the title was - "Sleep Apnea and Ear Infections" is number two, since many people seem to do searches for that, since ear infections appear to be part and parcel of using a CPAP!). I'll still respond to comments left, but what can I say, it's just time for a change...


  1. Well that's a shame. I really enjoyed this blog, but if it has become a chore, I suppose you are right to discontinue doing it. Thank you and goodbye.

  2. Thanks, Zed!

    Also forgot to thank Femke van Delft, Bev Davies, Dan Kibke, and anyone else whose photography has run on this blog...

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    What are you going to study? That's great.
    - Karen

  4. Tentatively sticking a toe into the waters of film studies.

  5. Heather7:05 PM

    Good luck, Al!

  6. Thankfully it's not a farewell, but see you later (soonish hopefully!)

    I think it's great yer changing things up a bit. Good for creativity and all that jazz.

    I would have snoozed on lots of good entertainment if not for your efforts Allan. A titch nervous of losing that info but life goes on.

    mwah, Jude

  7. Thankfully it's not a farewell, but a sidestep & see you later.

    I think it's great yer changing things up a bit. Good for creativity and all that jazz.

    I would have snoozed on lots of good entertainment if not for your efforts Allan.

    A titch nervous about losing that info but life goes on.

    mwah, Jude


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