Thursday, September 08, 2011


Uh: forgot to mention: the Sick Ones play the Fairview tomorrow (Fri, Sept. 9th). I'm told Rampage will have special guests...

...And that might not end up being the name of the new film blog ('spretty boring for a name). Dunno.


  1. Well if you are going to cheat a little bit, I would love a review of the Chadbourne show!

  2. Sorry, Zed, aint got it in me. But he recorded an album for House of Chadula with Darren Williams and Kenton Loewen in Victoria, with Scott Henderson producing, that should give you some taste of what he did on Monday and Tuesday, when it comes out. The one cover I know is on it is Sun Ra's "Theme of the Stargazers," which was part of the Kozmic Zoo set. There are also several originals that he played - "Spent Fuel," say, and a rather cryptic song about chickens...


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