Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Infernäl Mäjesty vs. Phil Smith

The catalogue of Infernäl Mäjesty is completely out of print, I'm told, but there's plenty to be found on eBay; I'm currently catching up with None Shall Defy, and enjoying it quite a bit more than I'd expected to (I frankly didn't realize there was Canadian metal THIS GOOD in the 1980's; maybe I gotta check out Razor and Sacrifice and Exciter and all that?) "Into the Unknown" is my favourite so far - tho' it's a bit catchier and more "'80's" than the rest of the album, which sorta spices up an overall slightly-slower-Slayer quality (vocals, lyrics) with angular shifts into unexpected death metal complexity. Either way, it's going to be pretty damn cool to see these guys with Corpsegrinder on vocals!

You know what's weird? Listening to that song somehow reminds me of Phil Smith and Corsage's "The Shame I Feel." Strange, I know... I think it's the vocal...

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