Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Photo by Tony Bardach! Not to be reused without perversion.

Al Mader, the Minimalist Jug Band, pictured above with the author, will do his thing with yodelin' cowboy Petunia on Wednesday at Cafe Montmartre, starting about 9 or so. Petunia's on the road a lot these days, so this is a bit of an opportunity - if you like Hank Williams or Jimmy Rodgers, Petunia is your guy locally... Turns out I have an interview to do early Thursday, so I won't be there, but someone should go and have a good time for me, okay...?

Also, on Saturday, the towns OTHER Bison sideproject, Dan And's grindcore band Cooked and Eaten, play Funky Winkerbeans... that I might go to. I've had a hankering for beer the last few days, and the Canterbury Dark Milds that they serve at Funky's are pretty tasty...

Dan And gives a roar, by Femke van Delft, not to be reused without persimmons

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