Monday, January 24, 2011

Marwencol and Motorhead

Two bits of news: Marwencol is a very interesting sounding doc, now playing at the Vancity. Haven't looked at it yet but the official site has some fascinating stuff on it.

Also: if anyone missed it, the new Motorhead album is out. It's news to me, anyhow: Maple Ridge is sufficiently cut off that there's been no trace of it out here - we have no new CD stores, unless you count Zellers and London Drugs!


  1. M.R. not having stores? Just had a flashback to having to take the Pacific Coach Lines bus to Vancouver to buy the goods. But, it did mean getting goodies in the delete bin like movie posters at the "Record Store" for releases such as Times Square for twenty five cents.

  2. Heh. Yeah, that's a memory of mine, too, catching the bus and coming downtown to go to Collectors RPM, Odyssey Imports, or Videomatica. I still vaguely remember the smell of those PCL buses, like a gigantic car air freshener...

    Do I know you?

  3. Those were the best stores. Remember too how Granville/Seymour had A@B, A@A, Kelly's and then that other one, whose name eludes me, where you could use the headphones to listen? The prices were so low. As to the bus, people smoked on them back then and it left the city at 0630 and 0930 at night (I still remember) and only picked up at certain places. And nope, you won't know me as from reading your blog I'm a few years older then you and when you're younger, a year or so is everything...although I did go to school in Ridge.


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