Monday, August 31, 2009


So it looks like I'm moving back to the suburbs to be closer to my parents, who need me right now. I have a few more big projects coming up for The Skinny, but otherwise, I may soon be laying low on the Vancouver scene for awhile. But there are things in life other than obsessively writing about music and film. My blog may take a bit of a shift: "Alienated In Vancouver: The Suburban Years." Dunno, really.

Part of me likes the idea of being out of the city for 2010... tho' I'll still be commuting in to work, as long as the school I'm working at doesn't collapse under the strain of the economic downturn.

Speaking of economics, I read in Metro over lunch today that Vancouver has Canada's lowest minimum wage and its highest cost of living. Isn't that just peachy?


  1. Don't lose your passion for the city, wherever you go. Your voice is essential to keeping this place from sucking.

  2. That's very nice of you to say, thank you! Rest assured, I'll still have my toe in - just at a greater remove. I won't be seeing so many gigs or late shows or stuff like that - unless they're special enough to merit an overnight trip crashing on a buddy's couch or such...

  3. That's too bad. There aren'e enough urban cinephiles in this town. Best wishes to your folks though.


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