Monday, August 31, 2009

Open Your Mouth and Say... Mr. Chi Pig

Right, well, my review of the new doc about SNFU lead singer Chi Pig is in The Skinny, but you'll have to find the print edition, since it isn't online. The film's imperfections are irrelevant: it is essential viewing for anyone interested in SNFU, The Cobalt, local punk, or issues of mental health and drug addiction, and it features a host of interviews with people on the Vancouver scene (and a few surprising non-locals, like Jello Biafra). It plays tomorrow at the Pacific Cinematheque (1066 Howe); doors at 6:30, show at 7. I'll defer to my print review if you're interested in further finding out what I thought, tho' one observation did occur to me after I'd written the piece: that the term "self-medicating" has become a kind of overused euphemism-cum-rationalization for "getting high." There's some truth in it, but there's also some bullshit... It gets used one too many times in the film and starts to seem a tad self-serving.

But no, really, the film is worth seeing... tomorrow at 7, Pacific Cinematheque. I've seen it already, but... you go. Various local music figures will be in attendance...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I didn't see it yet. But thanks a lot for some info about the film. I wanted to check it out on IMDB but it has no rating yet and since you have seen the movie, I guess I'm gonna trust you.

    Bets regards, Jay


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