Saturday, March 07, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

Al with Birdshit: a self-portrait

It's not that you weren't invited: it looks like there's going to be no movie this year (I played a whole bunch of friends Cassavetes' Husbands a year back, which has to have been the Best Birthday I've Had - thanks again to those of you that came). I'd pitched the idea of commandeering the Rio for a screening of Phase IV, but they didn't write back, and I think I just don't have the wherewithal to arrange something else, at this point. I just want to rest, when I don't have to be doing other things (writing, casino gambling, marking student papers, laundry... stuff like that). Happy birthday to me, anyhow: I'm now 41.


  1. Actually, change that. April 24th, there will be a film event celebrating my birthday. More details pending!

  2. Actually, change that. April 24th, there will be a film event celebrating my birthday. More details pending!


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