Friday, March 06, 2009

Eggs for dinner I run out of money again, I don't have any curry made, and I haven't thawed any meat, because, as sometimes happens, I'm so busy that I might not get to it and end up throwing it out - something I find well-nigh shameful (aside from childhood conditioning, I figure that it's inexcusable to squander a creature's death; it's bad enough that I eat flesh food, let alone waste it and render the slaughter of a living thing *completely meaningless*). I've no bread left, and though I do have some cup ramen, I've overdone that of late and suffered gastric consequences. What's for dinner, then, Al? In my fridge, beside a wide variety of condiments, I have eggs, hash browns, and onions. Well, there's a meal: so at 7PM I make myself breakfast - a nice omelet, with pesto and cilantro and garlic, plus potatoes and onions. It will suffice, I suppose...

...not much writing this week, but watch this space for a Bruce McDonald interview...

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