Friday, September 13, 2024

Bunchofuckingoofs in the Straight (and at the Waldorf), Bev Davies in Montecristo, and Cousin Harley at the Rickshaw

Crazy Steve Goof by Cat Ashbee, not to be reused without permission

Wrote a piece about Bunchofuckingoofs for the Georgia Straight that I did NOT expect to be doing. I had put out a request months ago to talk to Crazy Steve Goof, the singer and only original member, but nothing came of it, then somehow stumbled across the guitarist's Facebook account. I wrote him, put in a friend request, then never heard back; I assumed he was just blowing me off, as a couple other people had seemingly done, so I gave up on the piece. Then I just happened to check the message status the other day:  Facebook hadn't sent it because we weren't friends yet. I re-sent it. He replied. Here we are.

Adam Kates did tell a story, mind you, that didn't make it into the article, writing that "The only memory I have of the goods was fear! I saw them at Ildiko's in '87, they used cheap instruments... I felt that by seeing this band I not only felt as a hardcore spectator, but one of the true scenesters. I was initiated!"

The rest of y'all can get initiated on Saturday, unless you're in Nanaimo, in which case, it's tonight. Ancillary note: I got a chuckle out of reading in the Dirty, Drunk and Punk book that Crazy Steve's fear in life is ending up fat and bald in the suburbs (I check all three boxes). 

bev davies and her cat vincent, by allan macinnis, not to be reused without permission
 Also newly published, both in line and in print: a new feature on the great Bev Davies (happy birthday!). We talk about some of her best-known photos and I introduce an error to the print version by thinking Roy of Friends Records must be Wimpy Roy. I figured I was having a Vancouver Magazine moment where I was just failing to recognize what Brian looked like at a much lower weight and younger age than I was used to seeing him at; it never even occurred to me that it might be that other Roy, who I never met (it doesn't help that "the other Roy" has cake on his face, either). Hey, wait a sec, didn't that Roy-from-Friends-Records guy sell the Subhumans master tapes to those reprobates at CD Presents? Maybe this is poetic justice! He has been replaced with the only Roy in Vancouver punk worth talking about! 

Actually there are a total of TWO mistakes in the article, but that one is 100% mine. It is fixed online, but people who want to know what else went wrong will have to buy the print copy to find it!!!! The last issue was super cheap at Indigo (it has my tongue cancer story in it).  

I now must convince myself that I will have fun if I go to the Rickshaw and see Cousin Harley and the Stephen Nikleva band do a tribute to Ray Condo. In point of fact, I'm a bit burned out and just want to stay home under the covers and see if I can find a horror movie that will terrify my wife. On the other hand, there is a finite number of times I will get to dance to Paul Pigat playing the "Hadicillin Boogie," so I better make the most of the opportunity.  

Hey, by the way, Facebookers, you can't share the Georgia Straight link to the Bunchofuckingoofs interview in Canada (because it's "news;" seriously, could we fix that shit?). But you can share the link to this blogpiece! Yay! 

The link is this, if you're not sure how to make it happen:

I am now off shift. 

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