Friday, July 12, 2024

Trooperfest 2, tonight and tomorrow!

If the cat on the cover of this informational zine is not Trooper, I do not want to know about it! 

Any cat lovers wanting to support a cat with hefty vet bills, and any punks wanting to support a  companion human who plays a vital role in the Vancouver scene, should consider two shows this weekend: tonight at ALF House (which I am not young or cool enough to know the location of) is the first installment of Trooperfest 2, featuring the Heterosexuals, Media Slaves, Girlwife, and Clay (who is apparently NOT Clay Holmes; I asked him). I do not know these bands! 

Tomorrow at the Red Gate, there is a secondary installment of Trooperfest 2, with a few bands I do know, including headliners Die Job, who I saw and enjoyed at the Red Gate not too long ago. Kidz Help Fone is also returning, having previously played Trooperfest 1 (NOTE: the fundraising page linked there may not still be active, but there is a link to a vid by Kidz Help Fone). There are other bands (including the band of Trooper's companion, Noelle, more on whom here, the entertainingly-named Hairy Cherries, and Night Mirrors). It's gonna be a fun night! Hell, both nights are gonna be fun nights! For a good cause, helping punks and cats at the SAME TIME! 

But I won't be going. I've personally sent Trooper 50 smackers, but that's my get-out-of-a-gig free card (if I am going to any gigs it will be at the Princeton on Saturday, where members of my own creaky demographic are going to be more abundant, along with perks like table service and my favourite de-alcoholized beer, Iota Pilsner. The Eds are playing, and Pill Squad, and Cora and the Moon, and... who else was on the bill?). If you also want to donate but not go, Erin of Alien Boys is handling online donations; I am reluctant to print her email here, less she be spammed by bots, but it's wretchederin and it is at a web address that is the opposite of coldmail, if you see what I mean (we must at least TRY to dodge the bots). Send Trooper (and companion Noelle) some dough! Diabetic cats are not cheap. 

Gig posters follow. Also note - Jesse LeBourdais has a gig at LanaLou's on Sunday, which I'm not going to write about otherwise, but if you prefer your punk folky, check this out. And Jonny Bones will be on that bill, too!  

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