Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Fake Jazz Throwbacks, Mathy Madness, and Noisy Metal: Weekend Gigs at the Jazz Festival and more

There are a few things habitues of the Fake Jazz scene in Vancouver might want to check out this weekend, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Haven't done a jazz festival gig in a long time, and there are a couple of those that sound promising... though there is also some metal with a connection to the vintage Vancouver Fake Jazz scene happening... Seems like a good weekend to like adventurous music!

To start, while it is not by any means Fake Jazz, people who enjoyed my Anju Singh interview a couple posts back might be interested to get a sense of her diverse interests by catching the death metal band Ceremonial Bloodbath, for whom she drums, opening for Danish metal band Phrenelith at the Cobalt; while people more interested in Anju's avant-garde side might prefer seeing The Nausea and V. Vecker at the Lido on Sunday, opening for Quebec artists This Quiet Army. That sounds like a very compelling show, for people who want some intense listening, but I am more likely to be catching insanely dense math rock band Horse Lords (who sound on first blush like a cranked up Don Caballero) at the jazz festival Revue Stage at 1601 Johnston, if tickets are available, followed by a free late night gig at the same space, Earth Ball, featuring a couple known figures around town... 

Though of course Wayne Horvitz's Electric Circus are also playing, with a host of local improvisers and jazzsters, albeit more of a 1067 vintage than a Fake Jazz one. Seems like that's Horvitz in conductor mode The program promises "far-reaching improvisations that use motifs from classic recordings by James Brown, Willie Dixon, Captain Beefheart, Miles Davis, The Dead, The Pointer Sisters, Sun Ra, The Clash, and Parliament Funkadelic as jumping-off points towards thrilling new sonic possibilities." Uh, so that starts at 7:30 on Granville Island... Horse Lords are at 9:30... where the hell is Johnston Street? (Am I seeing correctly that this is ON GRANVILLE ISLAND? Yay!).

And wait a sec, there's a PWYC gig that afternoon, at the same Revue Stage, involving Jesse Zubot... one could start there on Sunday, then do Horvitz, then do Horse Lords, then do Earth Ball... is that accurate? Can I see all that music in ONE DAY?

Oh also, some of the players in that orchestra have their own free late-night gig on the Saturday, so maybe if I've had enough of Phrenelith, I will duck across town to see Sakina Abdou, Shazad Ismaily, and Dan Gaucher, also at the 1601 Johnston stage, starting at 11:30 (actually, that's bloody unlikely, because if it's really on Granville Island, getting back will be a pain). 

Not quite sure what I'm going to do, exactly, but there is no shortage of intriguing options...!

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