Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Violent Femmes: important update!

Hey, if you're wondering, how the Violent Femmes shows will go down: Brian Ritchie has posted this on Facebook.  

There is NO OPENING ACT. Do not dally. 

The first set will be Hallowed Ground in its entirety. Cool kids who know that THIS is the heavyweight album of the two should take note and not be late! 

Then there will be a short break, followed by a second set with the first album (yes, the one with "Add It Up" and "Blister in the Sun" and so forth). This is smart -- it is the more crowd-pleasing album. And, like, it's not like us Hallowed Ground fans DISLIKE this album. It's real fun, too. 

Finally there will be a short encore where they will play some other songs. I do sure hope they will do "Ugly" and/ or "Gimme the Car," which seem within the realm of possibility, since they are from this time period. I doubt they will do any of my other personal non-hit favourites, like, say, "Out the Window." I am absolutely certain that there will be no attempt to play Brian Ritchie's solo work ("Alphabet" is awesome, though). 

Hey, was "Out the Window" inspired by the death of Gilles Deleuze? (Apparently there is actually some controversy about whether this was a suicide; it could have been an accident. Maybe these people are in denial, but he apparently WAS very frail and had trouble breathing -- he MIGHT have just opened the window to get air and stumbled and fell out. He was in very poor health, which of course also lends itself to the thought that it WAS suicide). 

I tried to read Anti-Oedipus once. I did not get far. Anyhow, it's a question to ask, if I get a chance. 

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