Sunday, February 18, 2024

Concert organizer for spring?

I know that immunity from COVID does not last long, but still I figure that my last dose of COVID, in January, gives me a little bit of low-risk concert going for a few months, which I intend to take advantage of, even though I may well have caught that last dose at a concert. Here are some springtime shows I am keen on... 

By the way, no one is paying me to promote anything or guestlisting me for a single show on this page. You're welcome to, promoters, but do not presume that that is WHY I am posting any of this. People may misunderstand, but this blog is NOT a commercial venture, just an expression of my love of music and my desire to support the scene. I have occasionally cadged a guestlisting for things based on this -- things I cannot afford, otherwise, usually -- but that is NOT what this is, today. Just some stuff I am excited about! 

Anyhoo, gonna do Los Furios tonight (see the previous post)... If I am really ambitious it might be a fun appetizer to see Sinead X Sanders at the Princeton starting at 5:30 but that may be pushin' it... After today, the next thing on my radar is La Chinga at the WISE next Friday:

I quite enjoyed La Chinga at Keithmas. They have a very big presence and I have enjoyed some of their music, but whether I go will depend on my mood and if it is sold out. I suspect it might -- we'll see! That plan may also be scuttled by the chance to see Allison Russell at the Commodore, which kind of has snuck up on me. I might suggest that to Erika... no shortage of options! 

Saturday the 24th it is Squid at the Rickshaw. Sold out, we gather, but that one I bought a ticket for. Sounds a bit like Don Caballero covering XTC imitating the Fall. Maybe there will be a few tickets at the door?

Luckily I do not think the other show on my radar that night is sold out, which might suit roots music fans better...

...that being First Nations country artist William Prince at the Orpheum (I wrote about him here when he was last in town). I liked seeing him! And I liked Stand in the Joy best of the music of his I've heard.

Wednesday the 28th, Kitty and the Rooster play the WISE... maybe! 

March 1st I am considering (Ry's kid) Joachim Cooder at St. James Community Hall. I have seen him twice, again doing other people's music. His voice better suited covering the Grateful Dead ("Ripple" at Steve Dawson's Dead tribute at the last Folk Fest) than it did the Dylan songs I saw him do but his kalimba playing at the Dylan event was exquisite and fascinating. I don't have a full sense of what he does -- I believe I chatted with him briefly that night but only to ask what the heck to call his instrument: it was not your run-of-the-mill kalimba, but some sort of mega-sized electric one, quite compelling to watch. I have not figured out if he lives here or just likes it here -- he keeps playing here! -- but if Erika wants to go to this show, I'm down...

...though if she doesn't, I might just do Crummy that night, I think either at LanaLou's or the Princeton. I would love to see Crummy again but the stars have not aligned, it has been far too long. I gripe about neglecting local heroes in that Los Furios piece I did but just because I am aware of the phenom does not mean I am not guilty of it.  

But assuming I am going to miss that, maybe Crummy will be playing the Lou Reed tribute night, March 2nd? Doug Andrew and the Circus in Flames are, and no doubt the Lulu's, with the Eds and Lisa Lloyd... I know I'm gonna get too much Transformer and not enough Blue Mask or New York and NO Ecstasy or Set the Twilight Reeling, though I might ask David M. (if he's playing) to do "Hookywooky" if he's willing. Someone should do "Hookywooky," anyhow. But maybe there are people who are going to take on the Velvets? 

Come early for the meat draw, that was the lesson last time. I am going to keep going to this until I win some meat ("I'm waiting for my meat/ I came early to save a seat/ Down Commercial, the chicken plant stinks/ at least the Princeton has a beer I can drink/ I'm waiting for my meat...")

March 8th I am very keen to see Murray Acton back in action with the Dayglo Abortions at the Waldorf. I'm hearing great things about the revitalized band and very happy Murray has bounced back from his cancer ordeal. Cancer ordeals suck! Maybe I will wear my "Fuck Murray's cancer in the ass" button.

And speaking of the Dayglo Abortions, I don't know if there's a Vancouver show, but Blind Marc's solo project, Isolated Earthlings -- which Marc and I talk about here -- is on Friday, March 15th at Bully's in New West. Can't forget that! Looks like it might be a Car 87 gig... I have not heard them in awhile; as I recall, I saw them open for both The Rebel Spell and Bison, some time ago... I would gladly see them again, but it's Marc I'm coming for! 

There are probably some other things happening between March 15th and the next show on my radar, but Sunday, March 24th, it's Selina Martin at Green Auto. I interviewed her here. If you don't know Selina, I have decided that the first song you should hear is "The Hottest Day," which is kinda Pixies-ish, but her new music is more artful and complex and also very compelling.  Tony Bardach will be sharing the bill, with his newest incarnation of Slowpoke and the Smoke -- really a fun album! More to come on that.

Tuesday, March 26th it's the Reverend Horton Heat and some real cool guests whose music I do not know... that show is also sold out!  After which, there's a local show I am keen to see a few days later -- the MeBats (formerly Stab'Em in the Abdomen), another local band I want to catch again sometime soon (again with the Eds), with aforesaid Doug Andrew and the Circus in Flames, and a newish band called Sudden Darts, which is actually the new project by John Werner, whom I interviewed at some length here. He's one of those mostly-unsung local heroes, playing with the Pack (with Kirk Brandon of Theatre of Hate and Spear of Destiny) in the UK, the (now retired?) Furies (Vancouver's first punk band), and the Graham Brown Band (Jr. Gone Wild connection, there). Sudden Darts is his rootsy  new project, which I have not yet caught, but I like John a lot, a gentleman and a scholar and a very enjoyable bassist, so... 

Running out of gigs I'm aware of, but for sure, on April 19th, I want to do Steve Dawson's Rogue Folk event. I loved the Dylan thing and am enjoying his music at home (I don't know it all, but I just was spinning We Belong to the Gold Coast; it's great). I probably saw Zubot and Dawson live at 1067 once, but do not have clear memories -- that place was almost always just "going to 1067." 

And April 22nd, I'm wondering if I want to see Helmet again. I last saw Helmet at the Town Pump, playing with TAD, around 1989 or 1990. Another show I might not buy an advanced ticket to, just see where the spirit takes me that night. It's Sinatra's world... do they still play that? 

Also considering Korpilklaani but again, only as the mood strikes me, if it isn't sold out! 

Then it's Gustaf, at the Fox... May 2nd... dance punk, did an awesome job opening for the Sleaford Mods... shot some vid... I could dance to this... they totally upstaged the Mods and even have three more views than the vid of them that I shot that night! 

EDIT: My previous draft hinted at a big-time punk show not yet announced. This is Wait//Less, Dead Bob, and DOA at the Commodore. I have no idea how long it's been since DOA played the Commodore but I'm pretty sure I know how long it's been since John Wright played there, because I was there at the jazzfest in 2006 where Nomeansno did that "Bitches Brew" cover (with lyrics) with support from Italian free jazz band Zu. Which was awesome, but Dead Bob AND DOA at the Commodore...? Yeah!!

After that, I figure it's time to get my COVID booster. It's been awhile!

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