Friday, October 13, 2023

Love the little doofus

So kitten is on the floor rolling around, jousting with the chair and table legs, as he does, and I get down on my knees and say hello to him. He stops, stares up at me, as I peek over the chair back, then within a second, leaps onto the seat, reaches up and PUNCHES ME IN THE EYE! Baff! 

I mean, it's a kitten punch, so it doesn't hurt, but it's funny as hell. I open my cellphone camera but by this point he's beat a retreat, staring at me from atop a little table we keep under the big table ("the kitten table.")

I love the little doofus. 

As for blogging, I'm done for awhile, I think. Wiped out, plus I'm transcribing John Armstrong for the next Big Takeover, listening to Current 93 and the Legendary Pink Dots (enjoying both more than I expected), planning to go the Steve Dawson Bob Dylan thing tomorrow at Kay Meek (also happening tonight), but I'm feeling a bit worn out on writing about local stuff. 

Life's not bad, but I got nothing much for y'all. A couple big things brewing for early November. 

Note: those of you who do not like the Israeli treatment of Palestinians -- a reasonable point of view -- should still think twice about casting your lots in support of Hamas. The one does not require the other. People wanting an interesting perspective on all this might do well to go to Youtube to watch Israeli filmmaker Avi Mograbi's potent documentary Avenge But One of My Two Eyes. I love that the filmmaker himself has uploaded it. 

Meantime, stay safe. 


  1. Part two of two...
    So yeah, suckerpunching the meanest, toughest guy in the bar, that's about the size of it, strategically, but there's going to be sooooo many dead and wounded and displaced that it takes us beyond the realms of the merely bad idea to the level of the truly psychotic and reprehensible... I don't know shit either about the Middle East, really, might be wrong about all of this, don't know HOW a solution should be reached, but if, y'know, the representatives of Hamas came to me with a list of things they might do to improve the situation for Palestinians - if they asked ME, which would be dumb of them, of course, and impossbile, but still - well, their current actions would be WAYYYYY down there at the bottom of the ones that made sense to me. Or at the top of the list of "What shouldn't we do."

    And yet some of my liberal friends have said Israel must be blamed for all of this, ultimately, because they hold the power and are the ones who could thus CHANGE the situation... well, maybe that's not totally unreasonable, and maybe desperation, powerlessness, and a lack of interest from the world at large do SOMETHING to at least explain (not excuse) how crazy-bad an idea Hamas enacted last week... but people who want a peaceful two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian situation, including a vast curtailment of settlements in Israeli land, must surely all be putting their hands to their foreheads and sighing at all this, at the very least. Just a fucking awful set of developments. Nothing the world needed. We're fucked for years.

    ...But hi, thanks, and I will try to remember to check out the Chuck E. song later. Peace!

  2. peace...back at ya...but i am wondering if you are being sarcastic...facetious...or naively optimistic...does peace even exist...i don't think it ever did...i think we...mankind...are fucked beyond repair...i grew up watching the big show on kvos-tv 12 from metv...the big show would show old friendly of course...b movies...action and costello came on at 5 or 5:30...they would show an hour of the movie then break for the cbs news with walter cronkite...the end of the movie would continue after the news...this was the 60s so i would be watching abbott and costello meet frankenstein and dracula and the wolfman...then right before the climax i would witness a half an hour of bombings firefights bodybags occasionally interrupted by political assassinations...then back to the movie...then the hippies took over the news...clashing with the police and more war...ban the bomb...also bloody end racial segregation race riots...all under the threat of nuclear annihilation by russia...jump ahead 60 years...nothing has changed...i turn on the tv and see tanks rockets cities being demolished everyday...stupid hippies...peace is for dreamers...

  3. There's a New Model Army lyric - "peace is only for the dead and dying."

    But yeah, I was being kind facetious. War!


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