Sunday, October 01, 2023

Coronavirus 4: No More Test Kits

Conclusion: the coronavirus test kits in our apartment are either very well hidden or we never replenished them after Erika's last go-round with the virus. 

Awakened by the usual 6am kitten/ bladder conspiracy, I've spent an hour (mostly) quietly searching the apartment for them to no avail. Behind the toilet paper stash in the bathroom cabinet, which required removal of about ten individual rolls, which I stacked next to the kitten (who was "helping"), I found a single package with the white placardy-thing (y'know, the thing that the drop goes in), a wrapped swab, and a receptacle for the swab. After re-stacking the toilet paper rolls, I got up off the floor and eagerly took my findings out to the kitchen table to test before breakfast, to realize that the medium, the key ingredient, whatever that is, was absent. No juice for the swab means no test for me. 

I don't know what any of this shit is really called, apparently (besides the swab). 

Ah well, it's a coronavirus of SOME kind, no question there. Let's get on with breakfast: Special K in almond milk and instant coffee.  I have much to do, much to think on. 

Finish John Armstrong article.

Do prep for John Otway and Art Bergmann interviews. 

Think about prep for Clearcut, screening in November at the Cinematheque.

...find a mag for that other thing... 

But apparently the first mandate is to recover from this bug, whatever it might be. Might actually have to rest a bit. Maybe I can re-watch Night of the Hunter?

Y'know -- here's a heresy -- I love Charles Laughton as an actor, but that is a film I have yet to really have "click" with me. I just don't quite feel like I know how to enjoy it correctly, like maybe there's a failure in how I'm approaching it. I understand why people are interested in it, there's nothing quite like it, but there are a few films out there where you come away wondering if you've missed something, or brought the wrong expectations to the table, or... 

Erika doesn't really go for the black and white so much, but I should try that film on her, maybe. She enjoyed Sunset Boulevard. First classic that hit with her in awhile. 

I look over to the kitchen table and see the cat is digging into my leftover almond milk. He's sneezed a couple of times this morning. Maybe he's caught this, too. I have a sore throat, bleary eyes, a stuffy nose. No fever that I can detect. Will I be over it before I have to go back to work?

We'll see. This will be my second full day of symptoms, though I was noticing things when I got in from Art. I suspect by tomorrow morning I will know a bit more about what to expect.

And I'll know where the test kits are. 


  1. night of the hunter must be seen on the big's a movie...not a tv show...please don't watch it on tv or let erica see it for the first time on was made to seen on a big screen in a dark theatre...nothing else looks or feels like it...every frame is's in my top ten...try to see it next time is screens at viff or the cinematheque...then tell me what you think...

  2. no need for a test kit...dr nick prescribes if you feel shitty stay flu rsv cold...don't share your germs...if shitty turns into super your doctor...


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