Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Of Jibbernaut, clowns, and the fear thereof, irrational or perhaps otherwise: a brief interview with Vancouver's! New! Supergroup! (?) re: Friday's show

Photo by Rd Cane

Okay, so, if you go to concerts at all on a regular basis in Vancouver, you have probably already seen all the members of Jibbernaut, who are, L-to-R, Stephen Hamm (best known for Stephen Hamm Theremin Man, Sunday Morning, The Evaporators, Canned Hamm, Tankhog, and Slow); Bruce Wilson (Tankhog, Sunday Morning), Ford Pier (best known for his various projects as leader like Strength of Materials or the Ford Pier Vengeance Trio, but also a member at different times of DOA, the Show Business Giants, and Veda Hille's band, among other things), and Terry Russell (I don't begin to know the entire CV of Terry Russell but Slow and Tankhog are in there!). 

So they're kind of a supergroup, at least as super as Los Popularos were. My questions were quick - I had not actually realized they had a bandcamp, and I had not looked up "Jibbernaut" in the Urban Dictionary when I asked, or I would have delved deeper. I am unconvinced that "tekking" is a real thing, but I might not know, as I'm pretty vanilla (there used to be a band of that name, too). I am relieved to note on Facebook that Jibbernaut have commented, when I pointed the reference to "tekking" out, "That is news to us," so whatever they had in mind with the name - it ain't that. 


By the way, speaking of language, Coulrophobia, the title of said split EP, refers to an "irrational fear of clowns," to be distinguished, apparently, from the rational fear of clowns. Clowns seem to provide a through theme for the songs, whether by Jibbernaut or Phuture Memoriez, who share a bill for Friday's Red Gate show. Fittingly, it was seven years ago, today, on walking to Metrotown Mall, that I encountered this sight, which Facebook reminded me of this very morning. Those are my legs in the mirror; looking at the clown, you become the clown, y'dig? Reflect on yourself thus: 

Whyever would one be afraid of such a thing?

Interview with the collective voice of Jibbernaut follows. I am in italics; Jibbernaut is not. 

A: How did y'all fall together? 

J: About a year ago Hamm proposed that we start a new band together—something loud and fast. It just made sense.

Has Ford worked with any of you gents before?

Ford also played keyboards in the line up of Tankhog.

Jeez, I did not realize! So is one of you doing more songwriting/ singing than the others?

Bruce wrote the songs in his apartment on a synth. Hamm showed him how to use GarageBand and he pumped out a series of 2 minute punk demos that came to life when everyone got into a practice space together. Bruce is singing lead, Ford Pier is playing guitar, Terry Russell is drumming and Hamm is playing bass.

Do you have a set of all originals, or are there any cover tunes planned? Will you be doing covers by any of your old past bands (a bit of Tankhog perhaps?)

We’re doing a set of originals with one cover that might be difficult to recognize but it’s in there.

Tell me of a couple of originals? What are the titles? Give me a few lyrics that people might recognize as they are sung? What are they about?

Here are some song titles: “GO!”, “Kill The Sun”, “Everything is Wrong”, “Fuck Sleep”…the titles are quite self-explanatory. The focus on the darkness and futility of existence. Paranoia…isolation… Here are some lyrics from the song ‘Falling Apart’: “All our friends are dying, it’s not because they’re old. We let hope attack, now nihilism's back.”

I know what a Juggernaut is, but are Jibbernauts a thing? I am willing to bet a toonie Ford came up with this name.

Bruce wrote these songs while exploring a particularly dark spiritual path and one of the demons he channeled for creativity was named Jibbernaut. Each member of the band took on pseudonym to use in the rituals. Terry is called “Vice”, Ford is called “Wrench”, Bruce is called “Gears” and Hamm is fittingly named “Hammer.” These personas have important weight within the band and we wish to addressed by these names in the Jibbernaut context.

I will do so in the future! Any deets about the gig I should be aware of? Relations with the other band on the bill, special causes you will be addressing, cool merch?

Friday’s show at Redgate is not only our debut show but a celebration of our split EP, Coulrophobia, with our pals Phuture Memoriez who challenged us two write and record two songs about the fear of clowns. The songs ‘Clown School’ and ‘No One’s Laughing Now’ are available online.

We plan to release a full album maybe this fall/winter.

Thanks, Jibbernaut!

Gig page on Facebook (note: there will also be four comedians on the bill):


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