Thursday, April 13, 2023

Dayglo Abortions added to FEAR bill, plus Murray Acton Cancer Go Fund Me

Dayglo Abortions at the Biltmore by Allan MacInnis

People who have not read it are directed to this giant, unruly Murray Acton interview which covers a billion bases, from his history with Jello to his relationship with his parents, from working for the government as an electrician to how he lost his house, from Shamu the killer whale to his grow op, and featuring his opinions on Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, cancel culture and much else... it's huge, but massively digressive, so if you get bored of a topic, scroll down an inch and there's probably a new topic to check out. One of the most entertaining and provocative interviews I've done, though jeezus it was a bitch to transcribe!!!!! 

As Murray peers into the abyss - he's gone public with his cancer diagnosis, more on which below - he's also gearing up for a Canadian tour, AND - good news for fans - the Dayglo Abortions have been added to the bill for the April 21st FEAR show, here in Vancouver, also featuring the Vicious Cycles MC (interviewed by me here). Some posters and previews still have DOA listed, but in case you missed it, DOA has had to drop out due to health issues of Joe's own (he needs hernia surgery!). 

Be sure to check out Hate Speech by the Dayglos, on Murray's bandcamp, which may just be their best-ever album), and the newest EP, Upside Down World... or shoot him some money if you can - he has a GoFundMe here for his cancer situation! 

See y'all at FEAR (hey, they have a new single, with a Rose Tattoo cover on the a-side!). 

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