Friday, March 03, 2023

Lou Reed tribute, the Dayglo Abortions, plus Robin Pollak benefit: many choices for Friday

So there are three gigs I care about this weekend. I won't be able to do all three! 

First, there's the Lou Reed Tribute night at the Princeton. I've never been! Tim Chan tells me that the bands include The Lulus, David M, Finn Leahy, Pete Campbell, Cora and the Moon, Aaron Trory, Sparky Spurr, Rose Asleep, Tony Lee, Otis Rotting, Gnick Gnash, Glenn and Scott and Pill Squad. I might only make the first half - I want to hear my friend David M. do a couple songs (including a collaboration with Finn). The Lulus, who open the night around 8:30, should be fun, too - I share with Ed Hurrell a fondness for Lou's less-than-loved late album Lulu and somehow imagine he'll do other late-phase Lou stuff, which I'm drawn to (I actually only really start to care about Lou's solo albums around The Blue Mask - there are cool bits here and there in his earlier work and I do sometimes spin it but he gets more interesting as a writer later, for me (I particularly love his album Ecstasy and sure hope we'll hear SOMEONE do something off that - "Big Sky," anyone?). 

Then if I have the jam I may head off to the WISE Hall to see the Dayglo Abortions, whose new album Hate Speech - all of which can be heard for free on Murray's bandcamp, along with a new EP of presumed outtakes, Upside Down World - is the single best new punk album I've bought since, I guess, the Rebel Spell's final outing, 2015's Last Run. (I'm talking about Hate Speech there, not the latter). Outrageously catchy songs, witty and incisive lyrics on weighty and significant topics, some incredibly entertaining guitar licks, and one of the most fun album covers ever (need this'un on vinyl). There are some well-respected opening acts, punkwise, but I'll be missing those for Lou covers. And really, lazy old man that I am, I might just stick it out at the Princeton - I've seen the Dayglos three times in the last couple of years and did a massive and fascinating interview with Murray Acton, all of which can be read here. (I probably should have edited and shaped it more but I kinda wanted to capture the hang-on-for-your-life quality of talking to Murray for a couple hours. Sharp, witty fella - you might disagree with some of his takes on things but there are bits I just loved of this conversation...).

Finally, there's a benefit for a local figure, Robin Pollak, who I don't actually know, but whose supporters include  Paul Pigat - an amazingly entertaining guitarist, if you haven't seen him; the always very fun Ana Bon Bon (in trio form?!), plus a bunch of people I don't actually know, including RuBarb, Joe Rotundo's Interstellar Riders, the Alimony Brothers, 20 Explosive Hits, Terminal Station, Sinead X Sanders featuring Sandy Bone, Dave Dykhuisen and Bob Petterson/Rollin & Tumblin. I mean, I know some of their names. And I know Bob. Best dressed bassist in Vancouver? Robin is apparently facing down Early Onset Alzheimers; you can make donations here

That's just the stuff I know about happening tomorrow. There's probably more. Anyone bummed that Jonathan Richman has postponed his March 9th show at the Rio can console themselves with one of these events, maybe? 

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