Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ford Pier and Selina Martin at the Lido tonight! (ie., Thursday, March 30th) - plus Victims Family tie-in

I do not know Selina Martin's music well. She was first mentioned to be by John Wright, the former Nomeansno drummer and Hanson Brothers vocalist, who has included her (and Ford Pier, and members of Invasives and Wrong) on his upcoming post-NMN solo release, which we gather has been retitled from 3-2=1 to Dead Bob, via a suggestion from Craig Bougie. That is happening soon (but I don't know when). I have checked out her bandcamp and enjoyed it - it's not my usual style of music, but it's richly textured and intelligent and quite soothing, and I'm eager to hear her singing "Life Like" - a vastly underrated Nomeansno track that John will be revisiting on the album with her help. And I am further keen to see Ford Pier again, having finally graduated from watching him as an opening act to consuming his music as a main course (tho' I guess he's technically the opening act this time). They go way back. I did a quick email interview with Ford, for thems that want to know more.

Allan: What is your history with Selina? Will you be joining her for her set, or are you just opening, or...? What was the last time you saw her perform?

Ford: Selina and I have been friends since the late '90's and sharing bills since then, I'd venture to say. I've been a provisional member in some of her live lineups on a few different instruments, although I don't think I've been on any of her records. She sang some backing vocals on at least one of mine I think. We've just been a part of each other's lives for so long I find it difficult to pinpoint events and milestones. I was there, she was there, we did what we were doing... a musical with One Yellow Rabbit in Calgary, a German tour... the usual.

You haven't played live much since COVID - is there a reason? Are you working on anything, or just not feeling it, or...?

Just, um, how do you say? "Keeping my powder dry?" Haven't been asked much.

Will we be hearing new songs from you? Anything you will be playing special to the occasion?

I released a new song, as is my wont, on March 26th, which is my 1/2-birthday as well as the actual birthday of my friend Ryan Beattie from Himalayan Bear and Wayfinder and many other worthwhile listenable things. Over the last couple of years, I've seized upon this date arbitrarily to offer something new to the interested, and to spur me from my otherwise overpowering lassitude. I think I'll try to actually play it tomorrow... which has never been done before.

Belief In The Heart, by Ford Pier
track by Ford Pier

You have a couple of cool guest appearances on albums that have come out (Specimen Box) and/ or are coming out (John Wright's project, which I guess is now called Dead Bob?). Any comment on either of those? What did you do?

Answered emails from my friends, went down to the jamspace with a microphone and a laptop and a six pack. I think I have a little bit more to do with John's next record than this one (they're John's records. His famous egolessness and demotic sensibility goad him to define these recordings as the work of a "band," but they're John Wright albums.) With Larry (Boothroyd, of Victims Family, for Specimen Box) it was like, "Hey, if I gave you this track what would you put on top of it?" And he did that with an extended network of amazing contributors that I'm humbled to be included in. None of us knew who we were playing with! The results speak for themselves and obliterate whatever curiosity there might linger about which band this guy is from or have these guys ever met. It's like a Monkey's Paw scenario of 17-year-old me being asked, "How would you like to be on an album with members of Victims Family, Nomeansno, Dead Kennedys, Butthole Surfers, FEAR, and Alice Donut?" Except... it's in 2023. With all 2023's attendant inconveniences.

Thanks, Ford! Specimen Box can be purchased locally at Red Cat Records, of course. Unless it sold out? For more information about the Lido show, see here

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