Wednesday, February 01, 2023

John Otway in North Vancouver THIS FRIDAY!!!

UPDATED - So here's a weird thing: John Otway is playing a completely under-promoted gig - actually only a couple of songs, he's telling me - in North Vancouver this Friday night. Al Mader (AKA the Minimalist Jug Band) phoned me tonight to tell me of it, having found a single image on Gary Topp's Facebook page advertising the gig, which is the only news of it you can find anywhere online; apparently Otway is en route to New Zealand, has a stopover here, and decided to do a last-minute show at Toby's, at 8:30 pm, on a borrowed guitar, which absolutely no one is bothering to promote except Al and I. As it turns out, alas, Al is working that night and I'm going to Stick Men at the Rickshaw - have already bought my ticket - but given the situation, we both are trying to do due diligence to directing people the Otway way. He's an eccentric wildman/ true enthusiast of early British punk, sometimes grouped with the likes of John Cooper Clark, and best known to those who don't know him (prolly) for this clip from Urgh! A Music War... or for those who do know him (at least a bit) for eccentric li'l ditties like "Headbutts" or "Willy (in the Air)." For a taste of what Otway might look like now, well, he put out some Lockdown videos that are pretty darn entertaining. Toby's is, I gather, one of those places where you might be expected to eat or drink (they have Yorkshire puddings!) but it doesn't LOOK like there's a cover. There's none on the poster, which is literally the only info I can find. I mean, seriously, I'd consider going, but I've already paid for Stick Men, and I'm a bit too broke for a fancy dinner out for me and the wife. (Actually now we're considering it anyhow). 

YOU should go, though. ALL OF YOU! Or at least let everyone know about it. If you like your music playful, energetic, witty, and wildly performed... John Otway's your man. You may not get another chance! Two songs by John Otway! (Maybe three, if we're nice?). All I know. 

1 comment:

  1. CLARITY! John Otway will only be doing a couple songs - it is NOT an entire gig...! He writes (in regard to my dithering about whether to skip Stick Men to see Otway) that he "Just got the offer of a couple of numbers on a borrowed guitar about 8:30 on an open mic night there so might not be worth your while giving up a whole concert for two Otway songs - but be great to see you if you make it - Cheers Otway"


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