Sunday, January 01, 2023

New Years' Resolution and vinyl "finite list"

Our new family member, Nicholas

Happy New Year's, folks! 

Resolution-wise, I dunno what I will be able to accomplish re: weight loss, paying off debt, or putting long-term writing projects to rest, but shopping-wise, I hereby declare my intention for 2023 to buy no CDs or LPs other than:

a) What I find at thrift stores (or other super-cheap dollar bins and the like)

b) Items purchased directly at the merch table of a band I am seeing, especially if I have a chance to get this item signed and/or am likely to never see it again

c) (Possibly) items sold or recorded by personal friends of mine. Facebook friends don't count, but if I have been to their home or they have been to mine, bets are off.  

d) (Possibly) items I need for the purposes of research, for example if I have a big interview to do; but this should only be if absolutely necessary, since it could lead to my writing about bands for the purposes of acquiring their albums. 

e) Items I purchase with money from stuff (books, records, CDs, etc) that I have sold (whether from my own collection or stuff I have picked up with the intention to flip)

f) That $6 record I still gotta pay Phil for.

g) Gifts for friends. That doesn't count.

That said, I will also now post my wishlist for 2023: records I will likely NOT buy, but that I would like, before I consider my collection complete. This is my long-rumoured "finite list," which Erika mockingly calls "the infinite list," though obviously this list does not include records that do not yet exist or things like the New Creation's Troubled, which I'd love in the original, but have no hope whatsoever of finding or affording. There may be one or two things I have forgotten about. Mostly I want these on vinyl, but sometimes CD will do. Ideally this list will still be good through my birthday and into next Christmas (hint, hint)...!

The Plugz' Better Luck - any edition, but vinyl only

Meat Puppets - Too High to Die on vinyl... maybe Huevos

Grateful Dead - Reckoning. The only live Dead album I've ever cared about, just a pristine C&W/ folk set, beautifully played, with lovely cover art. I lingered on buying a copy off the Sunrise Metrotown Wall for several months, then finally got up the resolve - I would LISTEN to this record! - to discover it was gone.

Mississippi John Hurt - Last Sessions

Gillian Welch - Boots vol ii and iii (any format, CD probably is more practical)

Guy Clark - My Favorite Picture of You (vinyl); perhaps other Guy Clark vinyl that I don't have

Lucinda Williams - Good Souls Better Angels (bought, sold, and regretted) and Essence on vinyl, if it is ever issued thus

Camper van Beethoven ii and iii on vinyl, and maybe Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart on CD 

Soft Boys: Invisible Hits and A Can of Bees, again on vinyl only. Had them both at different times, sold them, and regret it...  

New Model Army - Love of Hopeless Causes

The Eugene Chadbourne 69th Sinfunny 2lp

Nomeansno - You Kill Me 12", not warped; and the Generic Shame CD; and whatever "new" releases A/T and John Wright cook up

Zappa: I think I'm pretty good, but Waka/ Wazoo is pretty compelling, as are Wazoo itself and the Hot Rats box. CD fine on all of that. Still my favourite period of Zappa. 

Tupelo Chain Sex - Ja Jazz. Have owned it twice, and sold it twice, but third time will be the charm. 

Bob Dylan: I kinda think I'd like Shot of Love on vinyl, for some reason. 

Steve Earle: Ghosts of West Virginia - vinyl preferred but not essential. 

I also have Matt at the Full Bug in Duncan keeping an eye out for the vinyl off the Butts' Independent Worm Saloon for me, but unless it's that copy, which he and I have discussed many times, I can let that one go. There are a few other hardcore-related items I have mentioned to him, too - but I very seldom listen to hardcore these days. Still, it would be fun to have:

Articles of Faith - Give Thanks 

Red Shift - Worst Possible Timeline (ideally off a merch table!). 

Victim's Family - White Bread Blues and The Germ 

Toxic Reasons: an album of theirs with "God Bless America" and/ or "War Hero" on it. Could be a comp

...and that's it. The finite list. Could I possibly keep myself to this? At least I have a kitten to play with.

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