Tuesday, September 06, 2022

The Blue Screen of Death

Came home from a family vacation to discover my computer was totally conked. I had been having trouble with my CD drive beforehand, after a CD jammed in the tray, it couldn't read CDs or DVDs... After some attempts to update drivers and such, I powered down, hoping it would sort itself. The opposite happened: it conked out completely. Automatic repair leads nowhere. Resetting Windows doesn't work. It either leads in circles, suggesting restarts and repairs that I have already tried, or to things well abive my savvy (tho' it does not bode well that one of the advanced options is "turn computer off"). Pursuing things as far as I can, I arrive at the dread Blue Screen of Death, which, believe it or not, I have never before faced. It seems aptly named!

Things will or won't resolve themselves - I will need to get help. Some stuff will be lost, most likely. But meantime, until things get sorted, I will not be blogging or writing much at all. I had thought I would write about the Real Ponchos at the WISE On Thursday, or other bands playing the Moonshinin' Music Festival in Surrey on Friday or Saturday, but there is too much I do not know how to do on Blogger using only my phone, and serious writing cannot be done with my right thumb and left index finger, which is how I have typed this. I don't even know how to add photos to a blogpost from my phone!

So I guess I am taking a longer break than I planned. Maybe I can set aside some of my distractions thus and look at life stuff - my ailing cat, my depleted finances, my exhausted wife, and the various ways - as mortality looms - that I am less than I would like to be. I mean, I was feeling "more alienated than usual" from the Vancouver scene anyhow. Maybe some time away from things will be productive? It is disturbing, kinda, that without a computer (or the crap distractions of Facebook, where I barely know half my alleged friends, I don't really know what to do with my time.

I am starting with laundry. And still reading Raymond Chandler (there IS a second female character, but even more business in neither film, from marijuana cigarettes to a "Hollywood Indian.")

With luck all will be up and running again in time for the film festival...

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