Wednesday, August 24, 2022

No, really, taking a break - plus NO FUN in the Park, and upcoming NO FUN vinyl!

Back to insisting I am taking a break. I look at my Facebook friends and go, "Who among these people do I even know?" I look at my backlog and shudder. And the idea of taking on another big writing project at this juncture is horrifying to me, just horrifying! 

I do have some things I'll post over the next few months - backlog clearers, things I did for Germany that never saw light here, a few other commitments and surprises. But right now I am going to take a walk. Seems like a good day for it. 

Hey, didja all know that there are going to be NO FUN vinyl releases coming up on Atomic Werewolf, starting with a 7" of "Be Like Us" and "Work, Drink, Fuck, Die?

David M. has very little to do with it but he endorses it. He'll be playing - or, well, NO FUN, as it is now constituted, on August 29th, free show at Queens Park in New West. David Dedrick and Pete Campbell, below, will also be there, and I think Pete is gettin' ambitious to do some of his own songs again. It's been awhile since I heard a Pete Campbell original at an M. show, unless "Claus Will Tear Us Apart" counts. I don't think it will be on the set this time. 

I did request that M. play "You Need Your Tongue to Stand Up," written in honour of the late, great Paul Leahy, who used that phrase once in the context of his own cancer experiences. And I, myself, in recovering from my tongue surgery, did fall down once, on the way between the bathroom and bedroom this past spring around 3 in the AM. Freaked the hell out of my wife and made a thud I am sure my neighbours would have heard. Anyhow, the song seemed like a good one to request, and he's apparently workin' on it. 

Anyhow, y'all should come. NO MORE BLOGGING TIL SEPTEMBER! 

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