Friday, August 19, 2022

But First, Joe Keithley! Green Party Benefit August 20th

Heh. I announced that I was going to take a break from writing, last post, but I forgot that I'd already promised Joe I would write this! 

DOA's  Joe Keithley - the only person whose music I have moshed to that I have ever had the chance to vote for - is up for re-election to Burnaby City Council on October 15th. He's been in office since 2018. when he was almost the only Green elected to council; it would have been nice if Burnaby voters had voted a few more like-minded party members into office alongside him! His platform includes "fighting Climate Change, getting affordable rental housing and co-ops built, getting active transportation infrastructure built, affordable daycare space, [and] rapidly increasing our tree canopy" (quoting from Joe's press release). 

And I really like the idea of his Harmony For All program, as well, which collects unused or unwanted musical instruments and directs them to kids in need in Burnaby - kids with musical aptitude but no money for an instrument (it also helps pay for music lessons). That's the kind of creative, positive idea that Joe is perfectly situated to make happen, the kind of thing that even a more conservative council couldn't possibly say no to.  

Anyhow, Joe has a benefit show/ fundraiser for the Burnaby Green Party set up at Lochdale Hall (490 Sperling) this Saturday August 20th, 7-10pm. If I recall - last I was a guest in Joe's kitchen, for the purposes of interviewing him - he explained to me that the building you see behind the guys on the front of Something Better Change is Lochdale Hall, so it's a pretty fun place to meet (it's also "is one block from my old High School," Joe writes, "where I saw my first rock show when I was 14, so it will be a fun return to my old stompin' grounds.")

Joe writes of the night that "I'll be playing a bunch of my favorite songs and telling the stories behind them. My old friends Greg Hathaway and Brad Lambert from Roots Roundup will be playing at the event as well."

It's important that you support the cause, Joe continues, because "in this election, the Burnaby Green Party are up against two parties that receive a lot of their funding from developers and the extremely wealthy: basically those that don't give a damn about regular people, so here I am asking for your help. We could use a donation, it does not matter how much, everything will help." 

The funny thing is - I've voted for Joe, I've seen Joe campaign, I've interviewed Joe about his campaigning, but I've never been to one of his fundraising shows; I've only ever seen DOA. So I'm actually curious to check this out just on the basis of music alone. But maybe I'll make a donation, as well? 

Because it's no joke - living in an apartment in Burnaby still means living in fear of demoviction; my neighbourhood is studded with places that were three story walk ups (quite like the one I live in!) that have been knocked down and condo'd since we moved in here, including plenty of places that Erika almost took an apartment in, when she was first hunting for a place here (more than once we've driven past construction sites and she's said, "Good thing I didn't taken an apartment in the building that was there..."). Things have gotten less tense since Joe (and Mayor Mike Hurley, also up for re-election) were voted in, but if the Greens make a stronger showing this time - if they get more support, if they get more candidates on council - I'll feel safer; the threat of a swing back to a more development-oriented slate is a real threat.

The rest of the press release follows (slightly reformatted): 

If you make a donation to our campaign, you will see two options, one
for Council and one for school trustee, if you do donate, please choose
the council option. To make a donation, you have to be a Canadian
citizen and have resided in B.C. for the last 6 months

The tickets are $25, Here's the
PayPal credit card link:

At the door, we will make it cheaper for students and anybody who is

Here's the link to make a donation to my campaign and the Burnaby Greens

You can also send a cheque if you like, please make the cheque out to:
Burnaby Green Party

Mai to:

Carrie McLaren
Unit # 4
3850 Dominion St.
Burnaby, BC
V5G 1C2

On the bottom left of the cheque in the memo, please make a notation:
Council Donation

This email is authorized by Burnaby Green Party Financial Agent
Carrie McLaren 604 626 6086

Joe Keithley
Talk - Action = 0

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