Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Cat vs. the Wighat, with thanks to Red Cat; AKA Tybalt meets the Cramps

I usually reserve my cat posts for Facebook, but this is kind of cute.

Momentarily distracted from this big Escovedo 101 piece I'm doing, taking a bit of a dance-around-the-apartment break, I'm petting the cat to the beat of "Call of the Wighat," trying to put a little rhythm into his soul, when Lux starts hooting, and Tybs totally looks up in a panic: "What's that sound? Is there an animal in here!?" 

He turns to me wild-eyed. Soothingly, petting gently, I reassure him: "Relax, Tybs; that's just Lux." 

Eventually he comes to like the album enough to claim it with his cheek. Though I'm not sure how strongly he associates music with cardboard squares. Maybe he just liked the angle. I held it up to get his picture with it and he took to cheeking it. 

It probably feels good to cheek things - lots of nerve endings and such. Pleasure centres. 

Later he got even more affectionate for Ivy. Or maybe he just liked "Surfin' Dead" best off the CD? Or maybe it felt exceptionally good cheeking this particular corner. Hard to know what a cat is thinking about anything (besides food).

This is a stunning li'l reissue, which I only just caught up with with a li'l help from the nice folk at Red Cat Records (isn't that Ford's handwriting? I contemplated saving it, as a fun adjunct to my signed Gormful in Maya, but I wanted to see what was inside the gatefold). I think they had a few others, not in fact a very recent reissue but nice to see them on a shelf. Truth be known, it was never my favourite Cramps release - good performances of good songs with mediocre sound (maybe that's a bit harsh but it's how I've felt). But the "Beautiful Gardens" in particular makes it worth the buy - and I'm probably gonna get real fond of the five minute "She Said" (!!!). And while it still is a tinny echo to listen to, the sound becomes an asset for "Beautiful Gardens," in particular - it becomes a thing unto itself. A very strange, unbeautiful, but compelling EP. Made for a good break from Escovedo 101.   

Wonder what Tybs would think of the Buttless Chaps

1 comment:

  1. didn't the cramps do a song called 'does your pussy like the cramps'...or something like that...


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