Friday, May 13, 2022

Weird Dreams of Andy Partridge

So in my sickness, I dreamed that Andy Partridge of XTC was doing a signing in Maple Ridge, upstairs at a convenience store on the corner of 222nd and Dewdney - a convenience store that actually exists, that had been a Mac's at one point, then Country Milk, and now... I don't know, but it's a little Korean-run store with groceries and potted plants and porno mags and snacks, half a block from where my Mom and Dad used to live, and only a couple of blocks from where I lived, back when I was taking care of Mom after Dad passed. My parents may have been alive in the dream; their apartment was a feature of the dream. But I don't remember all of the dream, only the key aspects, which were that Andy was doing a signing in this unlikely locale, and I was coming from a trip to Vancouver with a book about XTC for him to sign.

"Ooh, that's a good one," he said when I got to him in line. He signed it and we chatted a bit, long enough that there were murmurs of impatience from behind me in line.

"Will you be here for awhile," I asked him. "Because my XTC records are just down the street... I could go get them. I'd love to have them signed." He said he would, but that if I could, what he would really like was... (I forget, but it was a need I could meet, maybe involving food or drink or something).

I spent the next bit of the dream setting up things for Andy to sign and running around between my parents' apartment and the downstairs "store" segment of the convenience store, arranging some snacks for him (but I had to be careful, because he didn't eat ______ - I forget whether it was meat, dairy or nuts, but I had to make sure any food I brought him was absent this). I also made arrangements with the Koreans downstairs to rent the room above their store, where Andy was staying, which they would let us use for $29.99 a night. Yay! I went upstairs with my XTC vinyl and maybe a poster for him to sign for my friend David M., and broke the news to Andy (who had a bushy, red beard, unlike the real Andy Partridge; my dreams almost always get some things wrong) that he could stay overnight in the room, which was set up like a small apartment. He was very happy, and we were relaxing together, him signing stuff and telling me XTC stories, when he reached out and put a hand on my belly and gave it a little jiggle in a way that clearly indicated he was making a pass at me. (My dream me remembered at that point that Andy was gay; my waking me realizes he is not). 

Oh jeez, I thought in the dream. I'm tempted, but I'm going to have to make sure this is okay with my wife...

That's all I remember of the dream. No known bearing on anything that has happened or is happening - I'm not even really listening to XTC at the moment, not contemplating a tryst with a man, not living in Maple Ridge, none of it, and while I guess I do have a bit of an unrealized "sublimated starfucker" aspect, with my enthusiasm for signatures and interviews, I don't feel particularly drawn to Andy Partridge - certainly not sexually. 

But dreams have their own way...  

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