Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Sherri Decembrini

I did not know Sherri, but we were Facebook friends, and Art used her email address when I interviewed him, so we may have interacted a bit. What I saw of her online impressed me, and we were probably in the same room a few times during one of Art's shows, but to my knowledge, we never met in person. 

The news spread on FB yesterday that she died of a sudden fall. I don't know more. People on Facebook are really shook up - because many folks in Vancouver DID know her. 

I have nothing useful to say. I'm worried for Art and thinking about my own mortality (and my wife's). How do you deal with this? They've been together for three decades. It's incomprehensible. Both of them were posting RIPs for Ziggy Sigmund just a short while ago, commenting that he passed too young...

Nothing really that anyone can say in the face of this, but my condolences and love to Art and to Sherri's family and friends.  

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