Tuesday, March 08, 2022

RIP Ziggy Sigmund

Econoline Crush posted an obit for Ziggy Sigmund today. No idea what happened - not a lot of details in the post. I did not know the man, but I saw him live five times, I believe, four of which were with Slow (once when they opened for the Cramps, and three of the reunion concerts, one at the Fox and two at the Penthouse). Also saw and briefly chatted with him one time at some restaurant on Main Street that was briefly a live music venue, where (if I recall correctly) he was part of a band that included Nels Cline, who was visiting for the jazz fest. Or maybe Ziggy was part of a band that opened for Nels Cline? I only know they were both in the same venue - it was maybe ten years ago, so memories are slim. The last time I saw Ziggy, he was in the audience at a Stephen Hamm Theremin Man show at LanaLou's. I actually had a Slow 7" with me that I'd brought in case I had a chance to get a signature from any members of Slow, thinking that some of them might come out to see and support Hamm, but I elected not to bother the man, since he was busy with other people and on the far side of the room. Still only ever got Hamm and Terry's signatures on it!   

Anyhow, sad news... condolences to those who knew him. 

1 comment:

  1. ... Or maybe that was Christian the Nels show...? Suddenly unsure


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